Q1: What the difference between Process and Thread ?
A1: Processes have different memory space but Threads within a process share same memory. In JVM process has at least one thread which called main thread.
Q2: How Process be created ?
A2: fork
Q3: How Thread be created ?
A3: When a JVM starts, it will creates a process and a single thread in it, which calls the main thread. And it runs main method of desingated class immediately.
Thread.start() –> nativeCreate –> java_lang_thread.Thread_nativeCreate –> thread(art/runtime).CreateNativeThread –> JNIEnvExt::Create –> pthread_create
Either JNIENVExt::Create or pthread_create failed, a OutOfMemory runtime exception will be through
Q4: How does Thread run code in it ?
A4: There is only one thread the main thread, the main static method will be run in it.
Q5: How does ActivityThread run in thread ?
When ActivityThread’s main method be invoked, there is an only main thread, it will be run in this thread.
Q6: How threads communicate with each other ?
Q7: How Android create thread ?
Q8: How processes communicate with each other(IPC) ?
Q9: How does pthread_create work ?